Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mixed Messages

Well, Antonio's been sick and hasn't really been at school until today so this blog post is again pretty delayed but I've learned a few things so far this week:
  1. Ethel likes someone else, she distinctly told me so. (Though she still tries to butt into Antonio and I's conversations)
  2. Antonio may be trying to make ME jealous now (he ignores me at rehearsal but at lunch talks to me a ton)
  3. I need to step up my game, dammit!
So. I will give a recap of today (where things actually happened...) At lunch I went into the lunchline for once hoping I'd run into Antonio (since he always goes in line and I usually bring my own lunch) Of course he was there, and I saw him see me but I pretended not to see him and he went in another line. We ended up getting done with the cashier at the same time and I was like, "Ohh! Antonio! How are you?? Are you still sick?" Then I went to grab a fork and to my surprise he waited for me. For some reason I assumed he'd leave me...then we walked up to lunch together chatting and he sat right next to me and talked to me. He touched my shoulder a few times while we were talking too (hmmmm...) and gave me some of his food (; Then at rehearsal he had me do his makeup and wanted to watch a tv show on Petunia's laptop with me but it didn't work sadly.. But after that he kind of ignored me. He kept talking to other girls. But I think he's trying to make ME jealous (like I mentioned in point 2). So my goal for tomorrow is to get him to talk to me more at rehearsal and stop the stupid mind games! Also one of my friends creep texted him from my phone and so I need to bring that up and sort it out...she said some embarassing things haha. Wish me luck!
Scarlett (;

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